RTO 45596
RTO 45596
RTO 45596
Smart & Skilled
Smart and Skilled is a reform of the NSW Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. It’s helping people in NSW get the skills they need to find a job and advance their careers.
Smart and Skilled provides eligible students with:
an entitlement to NSW Government-subsidised training up to and including Certificate III
NSW Government funding for higher-level courses (Certificate IV and above) in targeted priority areas.
Under Smart and Skilled the NSW Government contributes to the cost of each course with the student paying the balance.
Fees are for the whole course, rather than year-by-year. For full information on Smart and Skilled including estimating your fees please visit Smart & Skilled
Am I eligible for subsidised training?
You must meet all of the following criteria:
15 years old or over
no longer at school
living or working in NSW
Australian OR New Zealand Citizen, Australian Permanent Resident OR a Humanitarian Visa Holder, OR a Partner Visa Holder whose sponsor is a current or past Humanitarian Visa Holder.
What type of courses will I be eligible for?
Smart and Skilled courses do not depend on your previous qualifications but previous qualifications may affect your student fee.
You are able to access subsidised Smart and Skilled training up to an Advanced Diploma level regardless of whether you have a higher level qualification or have completed a school based apprenticeship or traineeship as part of your high school education.
Am I eligible to access Smart & Skilled as an apprentice or trainee?
Your eligibility is not affected if you have completed a vocational education and training (VET) course, including a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship, as part of your high level education.
There are also more exceptions to the eligibility conditions described above, such as for Aboriginal people or those living with a disability.
As a Smart and Skilled provider Mid North Coast Community College (RTO 45596) is able to offer a suite of qualifications and traineeships subsidised by the NSW Government. View more information on our programs, courses and enrolment process.
To check your eligibility and subsidised training status for any of our courses please contact us.
To find out more about the courses and to check your eligibility, please get in touch;
02 6583 7288
Enrolment Conditions
Mid North Coast Community College (MNCCC) has a comprehensive Smart and Skilled Enrolment Policy and Procedure. The following documents should be downloaded to assist with you with understanding all about the Smart & Skilled enrolment conditions:
Go to Student Information to find out more about the support available to assist you with your studies. This includes:
Literacy, Numeracy and English Language
Assessment Process
Reasonable Adjustment
Recognition and Credit Transfer
Deferral or Withdrawal from Training
If, for any reason, you wish to defer your involvement in training and assessment, please discuss this with your trainer as the first step. Your trainer may refer you to another appropriate staff member to discuss any support requirements, or to the Customer Protection Officer if you have a complaint or grievance. In all instances we will endeavour to implement processes that will support you to continue with your training. If you decide to defer you can only do so for a maximum of 12 months. After this time you will not be entitled to continue with your course.
If you decide to withdraw from a course, we ask that you discuss the reasons for doing so with your trainer and assessor or staff member. They may refer you to another appropriate staff member to discuss any support requirements or to the Customer Protection Officer if you have a complaint or grievance. If you still decide to withdraw then the following applies:
You should give formal notice, preferably in writing, of the date and reasons for your withdrawal.
You will be refunded any outstanding fees in line with the Refund Policy.
You will be issued any Statement of Attainment for units assessed as competent within 21 days of notice of discontinuation.
Your Training Plan will be updated and you will be given a copy.
You will be given the results of any assessments.
Customer Protection:
MNCCC has a Customer Protection Policy in place as contractually required under Smart and Skilled. This is included in the Complaints Policy which outlines the following procedures:
Every attempt will be made to resolve any student complaints using the SkillsLink Training Complaints Policy.
Any complaint or grievance will be actioned as part of MNCCC commitment to Continuous Improvement.
On notification of a complaint or grievance, procedures will be followed as per the Complaints Policy.
The Training Manager will be the designated Customer Protection Officer. Their role will be to handle all complaints and grievances and to ensure Customer Protection contractual compliance with the Smart and Skilled Guidelines.
The contact details of MNCCC Customer Protection Officer are: Sue English sue.english@mnccc.edu.au
Phone 02 65834 7288.
If a student feels matters are unresolved to their satisfaction and wish to inform a third party, they should contact the NSW Department of Education and Communities Consumer Protection Unit for Students. They can do so at: