RTO 45596
RTO 45596
RTO 45596
JobTrainer/Skilling for Recovery Training Initiative
Fee-Free Nationally Accredited Training – Enrolling Now
The Skilling for Recovery Training Initiative is part of a matched funding commitment of almost $320 million between the NSW and Australian government’s under the JobTrainer Fund. Skilling for Recovery is a key component of the State’s COVID-19 Recovery Plan. As an approved provider, Mid North Coast Community College has training places and funding available.
Under JobTrainer/Skilling for Recovery, you may be eligible for one of our FEE-FREE nationally accredited training courses if you meet the eligibility criteria:
You must meet all of the following criteria:
15 years old or over
no longer at school
living or working in NSW
Australian OR New Zealand Citizen, Australian Permanent Resident OR a Humanitarian Visa Holder, OR a Partner Visa Holder whose sponsor is a current or past Humanitarian Visa Holder.
AND meet ONE of the following:
Aged between 16-24 years old at commencement of training, regardless of employment status, including Yr 12 school leavers. People aged 16 years old are eligible if they enrolled in a Skilling for Recovery full or part qualification from 26 April 2021; OR
Veteran; OR
Veteran’s Recognised Partner (includes spouse, recognised defacto or ex-spouses/recognised defacto);
A recipient of a Commonwealth Government welfare benefit (and their dependants); OR
Unemployed; OR
An employed person who is ‘expected to become unemployed’ who falls into one of the following four categories.
Definition of "expected to become unemployed"
Stood down/ furloughed employee: Employee that has been stood down or an employee who is currently on JobSaver and is at risk of becoming unemployed and requires upskilling or reskilling for new role and employment elsewhere.
Person who has been employed for 6 months or less: employed on condition of receiving training to build capacity and capability for the job role. This would be within the first 6 months of employment.
Low skilled/unskilled employee: Existing employee, with or without relevant skills or previous qualification up to Certificate III, that requires training to upskill to secure ongoing employment or future employment.
Workers in declining industries: Workers at any company in an agreed declining industry (e.g. international travel industry) who require upskilling/reskilling for redeployment.
What type of training can I do?
Under JobTrainer/Skilling for Recovery, we are offering the following Full Qualifications:
CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing and Disability)
BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
To find out more about the courses and to check your eligibility, please get in touch;