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Construction White Card

CPCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry

This unit of competency specifies the mandatory work health and safety training required prior to undertaking construction work.

The unit requires the person to demonstrate personal awareness and knowledge of health and safety legislative requirements in order to work safely and prevent injury or harm to self and others. It covers identifying and orally reporting common construction hazards, understanding basic risk control measures, and identifying procedures for responding to potential incidents and emergencies. It also covers correctly selecting and fitting common personal protective equipment (PPE) used for construction work.

To obtain this statement of attainment students must successfully complete the required assessment tasks.

1 day

Trainer lead face to face, classroom based

15 years or older
100 points of ID on the day

$165 per person

Students completing this course will need a unique student identifier (USI)  

Upcoming Dates

1 Session - Thu 13 Feb          8:30am - 5:00pm                 Taree

1 Session - Fri 14 Feb            8:30am - 5:00pm                 Kempsey

1 Session - Thu 27 Feb          8:30am - 5:00pm                 Taree

1 Session - Fri 28 Feb            8:30am - 5:00pm                 Port Macquarie


4 Albert Circuit, Port Macquarie, NSW 2444                                                               02 6583 7288

ASQA Registered & Accredited Training Organisation RTO45596 NESA Registered & Accredited provider of a Special Assistance School 

ACEQA Registered & Approved provider of out of school hours care services

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